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2019/10/25 14:06:42点击:
Opti Struct用于优化关键承重组件的结构拓扑。检查关键部件承受交变载荷的疲劳强度,并根据优化和校准结果对测试台的结构进行校正。然后,根据结构设计结果,在试验台上进行了基于闭环矢量法和同时约束方法的运动学和动力学分析,获得了试验台关键部件的动载荷。
锣摆线螺杆泵与摆线泵连杆联动;圆柱形感应泵联轴器圆柱形感应泵联轴器; dbonitepump耦合泵耦合垫PS。

R + W螺旋联轴器(STL)-高抗疲劳性,恒速旋转。平行偏差允许为0.25mm,角度偏差为5°,轴向偏差为+/- 0.25mm。它具有铝制和不锈钢制,集成度高,惯性小,低惯性,广泛用于编码器和微型电机的传动中。 R + W波纹管联轴器(BW)-高抗疲劳性,恒速旋转,高扭矩刚度和灵敏度,零游隙旋转。

Reliability is coupled to the work environment. This more reliable metal connection usually does not cause lubrication; the coupling needs lubrication, lubrication performance is affected, and it may pollute the environment. Couplings include non-metallic components (such as rubber) that are sensitive to corrosive media such as temperature, light, etc., but are sensitive to aging. Coupling, manufacturing and maintenance costs.
There are two main types of plum couplings, one is the traditional straight claw and the other is the zero clearance surface (concave) coupling.
For high-speed drive shafts, couplings with high balance accuracy, such as diaphragm couplings, should be used, and eccentric slider couplings are not suitable. The magnitude and direction of the relative displacement of the two axes. When adjusting the mounting position, it is difficult to align the two axes strictly and precisely, or when the two axes produce a large additional relative displacement during operation, the flexible coupling should be selected. For example, when the radial displacement is large, the optional slider coupling can be used for larger angular displacements or joints of two axes.
Chinese and English coupling: collantpump coupling refrigerant pump coupling; compressed air pump coupling compressed air driven pump coupling; concrete volute pump coupling; concrete volute pump coupling; concrete pump unit Axle; concrete pump coupling; condensate pump coupling; condensate pump coupling; condensate recovery pump coupling.
Opti Struct is used to optimize the structural topology of critical load-bearing components. Check the fatigue strength of the critical components subjected to alternating loads and correct the structure of the test bench based on the optimization and calibration results. Then, based on the structural design results, the kinematics and dynamics analysis based on the closed-loop vector method and the simultaneous constraint method were carried out on the test bench, and the dynamic loads of the key components of the test bench were obtained.
Crankshaft-free fire pump coupling without crankshaft fire pump coupling; crankless multi-cylinder pump coupling without crankshaft multi-cylinder pump coupling; crankless sewage pump coupling without crankshaft sewage pump coupling; no crankshaft pump connection Crankshaft pump coupling; crankshaft pump connected to the pump crankshaft; crescent gear pump coupling clutch gear pump; gear pump coupled to the crescent seal gear pump coupling.
How many products are designed from the variety and the choice of different machines to meet the various coupling performance requirements of the coupling is always a tricky problem for most people. Couplings use diaphragm couplings, gear couplings, plum coupling couplings, drum gear couplings, universal couplings and serpentine spring couplings.
锣 Cycloidal screw pump and cycloidal pump linkage; cylindrical induction pump coupling cylindrical induction pump coupling; dbonitepump coupling pump coupling pad PS.
R + W spiral coupling (STL) - high fatigue resistance, constant speed rotation. The parallel deviation is allowed to be 0.25 mm, the angular deviation is 5°, and the axial deviation is +/- 0.25 mm. It is made of aluminum and stainless steel with high integration, low inertia and low inertia. It is widely used in the transmission of encoders and micro motors. R + W bellows coupling (BW) - high fatigue resistance, constant speed rotation, high torque stiffness and sensitivity, zero clearance rotation.